Card Charge Report

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142 Search Results for "BUR"

CHECKFREESCO* 855-506-9175 USA

Many people have been reporting what they believe to be unauthorized charges from “CHECKFREESCO* 855-506-9175 USA” but is this a legit credit card charge?

This is a number that is reportedly associated with Golden Scores LLC and the website There also use “GFW*3GLDSCR.COM” for some of their charges.

While we have not evaluated their credit monitoring service there have been many complaints online about these charges. Based on the Better Business Bureau website it seems like while users were surprised by these charges they did — based on claims on that site — previously sign up for the associated service.


CardCharge.Report is a non-governmental resource about credit card statement charges. It programmatically collects information about credit card descriptors and charges in order to provide information for credit card users who have questions about a credit card charge and who may be confused by the opaque process of discovering what purchase was associated with a particular charge.

This website is not affiliated with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), The Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency (OCC), or the US government in any way whatsoever.

If you have any questions about this website please email us at [email protected].

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